Calcium Silicate
CALCIUM SILICATE is an insulation material molded by reacting calcium silicate powder with high pressure heat, and mixing it with inorganic fiber. It is a non – asbestos, high performance insulating material designed to provide excellent thermal and heat resistance insulation of heated piping systems, equipments, process vessels used in power stations, petrochernical plants, petroleum refirieries, heat distributing systems and other process industries.
ฉนวนแคลเซียมซิลิเกต (ซิลิก้า)Calcium Silicate
Calcium Silicate Insulation Material is consisted of tobermolite crystal with excellent heat resistance. It is premolded into board and pipe cover. It is a white, asbestos free, and
rigid insulation product which is used for thermal equipment, vessel and pipe in power station, chemical plant and other process industries.
It is an ideal thermal insulation material with the features of low density, low thermal conductivity, high service temperature, rigid and hard, high compressive and bendig strength, non-corrosive, non-irritant, non-toxic, harmiess, chemically stable and easy application.